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Business as usual at Cubepilot despite 7.2 magnitude earthquake

business as usual at cubepilot despite 7 2 magnitude earthquake

Philip Rowse, CEO of Cubepilot commented on todays earthquake,

“Our hearts go out to those in Hualien and surrounding areas that have lost friend’s families and houses”

The powerful earthquake, the strongest to hit Taiwan in at least 25 years, struck the island on Wednesday. The 7.2 magnitude quake struck offshore near Hualien county at around 8:00 am local time (midnight GMT).

The quake caused widespread damage, with some buildings precariously tilted near the epicenter in Hualien, a mountainous and sparsely populated area. Tragically, nine people were confirmed dead and over 900 injured. Rescue efforts were further complicated by massive landslides triggered by the quake.

Adding to the concern, 50 workers traveling by minibus to a hotel in a national park were reported missing.

Philip further comments

“All staff and family are accounted for, now assessing equipment damage on the production line and PCB fab. Our solder bath is rather messu, going to take a bit of fixing, molten solder everywhere! We are well stocked on all parts so should’nt cause more issues than just frustration for the production staff.”

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