UK CAA – Detect and Avoid Policy Concept Consultation

There is currently a strong industry demand for Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operation of Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS) within the UK, and while forecast estimates vary, they consistently show a large increase in the sector over the next 10+ years. Perhaps the most significant barrier to the growth of this sector is the mid-air collision risk associated with Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations.
The UK Civil Aviation Authority’s vision for the BVLOS RPAS operation within the UK is set out in the Airspace Modernisation Strategy, which describes a transition from the use of segregated airspace to integrated operations, supported by the use of Transponder Mandatory Zones (TMZs). In support of this vision, we are now consulting on our proposed policy concept for the assurance of Detect and Avoid (DAA) systems.
How to respond
We would like all stakeholders to consider our proposed policy concept and provide their views using this online survey, by 23:59 on 19 September 2024.
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