‘Mach Loop’ Drone operator warning

RAF Valley
Some of our regular followers will have noticed that we have had to place new warning signs around the Machynlleth Loop area.
This we are sorry to say is now a necessity, as there have been two reported near misses in recent weeks that could have had catastrophic consequences.
Most drone pilots know to behave with appropriate caution – but it only takes the action of one reckless individual to cause a fatality.
Military aircraft from both the UK and our NATO Allies have made valuable use of the Machynlleth Loop area for decades – in order to practise the vital skills of safe low flying in a designated area, that permits our aircraft to go below 400 ft and drones used in such a location present an obvious hazard.
The legal position is very clear: namely, that “a person must not recklessly or negligently cause or permit an aircraft (drones included) to endanger any person or property.”
We will be replacing and updating similar warning signs around RAF Valley and RAF Mona in the near future.
Finally, a thank you to those drone pilots who fly their drones safely in safe locations – and an especial thanks to those individuals amongst our many followers – who have on occasions stepped in and firmly and politely asked others to desist from dangerous behaviour on those occasions they have witnessed it. It is very much appreciated by us all.